Three original works belonging to Bahruz Kangarli’s creativity were presented to the museum

Presentation ceremony in accordance with delivering three paintings  which belong to Bahruz Kangarli’s creativity to B.Kangarli Museum in Nakhchivan city by Azerbaijan National Art Museum was held on February 2. Natavan Gadimova , the minister of Culture and Tourism of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic  opened the event and stated that Bahruz Kangarli, the founder of the realist painting in Azerbaijan played an important role in the progress of tool painting,  making landscape and portrait  as an independent genre.

His paintings,portraits,sceneries,natrimots,compositions with a plot , theatre decorations,caricatures,graphic works are good samples for it. Although the number of these works is 2000,  500 of them has reached our period.

          It was mentioned that great attention and care are shown to the art world and everlasting creativity  of the prominent artist in his native homeland where he was born and lived.

According to the Decree of the Chairman of the Supreme Majlis Vasif Talibov “On the perpetuation of the name of Bahruz Kangarli” dated February 15, 2001, his over grave monument was restored in Nakhchivan city ,his name was given to the Exhibition Hall of the Artists’ Union of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic operating from 1972.

According to the Decree of the Chairman of the Supreme Majlis of NAR dated May 22., 2001 Bahruz Kangarli Museum was established.

About 200 originals and highly qualified  copies preserved in National Art Museum were brought to the museum.

At present there are 1214 exhibitions in the fund of the museum and 384 out of them are exhibited there. 58 out of them is original.33 of them  was painted in water colour, 5 of them in oil paint, 4  in ink, 7 in pencil and 3 of them were painted in coal.

At  the end  of her speech ,the minister stated that three paintings of the prominent artist introduced to our museum bringing from the Azerbaijan  National Art Museum  with  the purpose of enriching the exposition of Bahruz Kangarli Museum.The paintings were portrayed in paint and ink.  Two of them are  portraits of children, the other is in scene genre by name “Poplar tre in the gaden”.These works are valuable art samples painted in the last days of artist’s life.

Then Ulviya Hamzayeva, the director of the Artist’s Union of NAR, Honoured Artist of Azerbaijan Republic making a report on the theme of “Bahruz Kangarli’s life and creativity” noted that the artist expressed his attitude towards the tragedic events     that  commited    in his motherland.               

The painting included in “Refugees” series also  make people think today .The violences commited by damned armenians were described skillfully in thes paintings.The director of Bahruz Kangarli Museum Sabina Alinjali expressed her gratitudes to the Chairman of the Supreme Majlis of NAR on behalf of employes of the museum for the care and attention  shown the museums.

The investigator of B.Kangarli heritage ,art critic Nizami Aliyev gave information about the paintings of Bahruz  Kangarli preserved in the fund of Azerbaijan National Art Museum and given to the museum.

In the end the exposition was viewed.  


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Date: 25-02-2025